Saturday, February 14, 2015


Joanna signing her memoir  for Elaine at her Book Launch.

 POST 11

Joanna Giangardella, author of Dancing Skeleton: Journey Through Stage IV Cancer will be speaking to my memoir writing workshop on Thursday February 19th in Orange County. This follows her recent book launch held in her home in San Clemente for family and friends.

She has many reasons to celebrate.
Twice in her life, Joanna Giangardella beat the odds.

 In her previous memoir, Girl from the Tower, she recounts how she was born on the Greek island of Pergos and was separated from her family at the age of ten through a UNICEF adoption program.

Finding herself in a dysfunctional family in America where she was not allowed to embrace her coming of age years in a normal fashion or even speak her own language, she had to rely on her own internal strength to rediscover herself and her birth family.

Later in life, as the hard-working owner of a hair salon, Joanna discovered she had Stage IV Cancer. Her road to recovery meant battling medical misdiagnoses and dealing with her own worst fears. Now an artist and a nutritional consultant, Joanna actively supports cancer research and nurtures others cursed with a similar diagnosis.

Her second memoir, Dancing Skeleton: Journey Through Stage IV Cancer recounts her personal journey. The book is available on

Here's one comment of many:

"Joanna Giangardella's Dancing Skeleton is an excellent depiction of her determination to beat the odds against an ugly disease and the unnecessary obstacles, walls, and buildings she had to climb for her sweet victory."
- Roni Teson, Author of Twist

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