Saturday, August 22, 2015

I Was One of the Thousands of Children Adopted from Greece During 1955-1957


There were three thousand children adopted from Greece during 1955-1957 period who are now middle aged or older. Many were sold.  Governments falsified documents so that there was no way to trace their journeys. Those who were babies recall little about the separation from their birth families, but this girl, who entered the United States  at ten years old, recalls every detail. 

After much soul searching, and due to extreme poverty, parents agreed to put their youngest children up for adoption through a special program run  by Queen Frederica of Greece and the government of United States.  Parents wanted to give their children a better life.   After all, going to America was special.  America  was for  the select. America was the land of gold, where people had walking and talking dolls, chocolate, and  lived happily ever after.  There were many difficult farewells and well wishes.

Parents trusted that all children would be looked after well--trust was their driving force. But what parents didn't know is that they would never see their children again. The moment their child left,  the connection with their Greek family and their old  life  was cut.  Some grown children don't remember the separation.  Some don't even know they have Greek biological families.

Now fifty years later, many who  were adopted continue to  look for their biological extended families.   Families on the other side, in Greece, continue  looking for that child that left them so many years ago.  Mine is the  story of one child's journey back to  her Greek family, a story I tell  in  "The Girl from the Tower."

Author: Dancing Skeleton, A Journey Through Stage IV Cancer
The Girl from the Tower, A Journey of Lies

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